The Russian Fan Club of the Backstreet boys WE STILL...

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Вы здесь » The Russian Fan Club of the Backstreet boys WE STILL... » Howie Dorough » Сайт Хауи

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Думаю, обьяснять ничего не нужно?!



Аня, с новостями, статьями и прочим я пока тебе помочь не смогу. :( Но в Январе у меня, дай Бог, образуется отпуск (на месяц). И я практически свободна. Пришли мне на e-mail (скину тебе в личку) все, что тебе необходимо перевести с русского на Инглиш и наоборот.
Буду рада помочь. ;)

Отредактировано helly k (2005-12-19 15:08:59)



да окей. :) Ты пока работай. А вот Крис задание: найти свеженькие новости для сайта.



да окей. :) Ты пока работай.

Ну, работать осталось немного. А тексты мне пришли. В январе займусь переводом. ОК?



да окей. :) Ты пока работай. А вот Крис задание: найти свеженькие новости для сайта.

  *Yes* ладно буду искать! :yea:



давай, крис, постарайся до выходных найти что-нить.



Ань, я вот думаю, может мне перевести весь русский текст с сайта?



давай )).

крис, слушь, поищи какие-нить сайты про Хова на инглише, но работающие. могет мы с ними посотрудничаем. Глядишь еще и инглиш версию забацаем и народу ходить буит больше.






ну, Крис, как успехи)))



есть один заброшенный САЙТ ЖМИ
там раздел биографии работает..... :ha:

Отредактировано chris (2006-01-04 13:19:33)



а хм.. а незаброшенных нету?



Крис, этот я знаю, и био мне не надо, оно у меня давно есть... поищи чо-нить более работащее...



Крис,а Крис)) гиде результаты? )) гиде статьи? :)



фу комп висел...и в инет зайти не могла! Ань скоро будет!



Жду ))



девочки, вы там спите что ли или забыли????



я вот думаю.. вас сразу вантузом отдубасить или дать еще шанс, м?



лучше шанс! а что делать надо?вроде все последние новости на оффициалке должны быть!



Классную информацию дает поиск МСН, там столько ссылок на инфу



вот Крис, ну займись поиском статей, новостей... Я думаю, н етолько на официалкен новсти есть, но и на других бэквских сайтах, нужнотолько не лениться и искать..
А Хелли я вообще скоро напишу персональный имэил и точно дам в лоб, только уже не вантузом, а  кочергой.



А Хелли я вообще скоро напишу персональный имэил и точно дам в лоб, только уже не вантузом, а  кочергой.

Аня, пожалей мой лоб. На носу 2 АРХИВАЖНЫХ события: Аттестация университета, к которой мне, как методисту, необходимо подготовить херову уйму документов. Чтобы к нашей кафедре претензий от ректората и проверочной комиссии не было. А второе событие - сессия. К которой я готовилась весь январь и начало февраля. С завтрашнего дня у меня неделька свободная. Переводом на ней вплотную займусь. Уже вывожу текст на печать.



Окей, тока биографию не переводи,я  ее сама переведу.



на сайте кое-какие обновления, загляните :)



такс, хелли или крис, мне нужен перевод этой статьи. Завтра чтоб был! :)
This is a rough transcript from a press conference the Backstreet Boys did, I'm not sure where. Thanks to taranis808 @ DLS.

You have had quite a long gap between albums, how do you find that balance with bringing the old-fashioned Backstreet sound with the new Backstreet sound?

HOWIE: Well, it's been a wonderful ride. We've been together now for 13 years. First off, I'd like to say it's been an exciting adventure. Sorry it's taken us so long to be back here, but we're so excited to be back here. I think our sound – We've always patterned ourselves after vocal harmonies – going back to the Temptations. We've built everything based around vocal harmonies and we've been lucky to find great producers, in particular Max Martin who's from Sweden. He taught us to really create our sound and really take that R&B sound and still have that pop Euro sound to it. Each album sort of evolved into different directions and during our break as a group, this latest album has a more pop-rock feel to it. We're very excited to go in this new direction.

You've also reached this pinnacle of being so famous – what's your favorite simple pleasure?

AJ: Coffee! And just sitting and not doing anything, not watching TV or reading something and vegging out without any distractions. Nothing, where you can just try to escape.

Howie: My simple pleasure? I like my computer. I'm pretty proud of that.

Nick: I really like reading books now. I'm finishing up the Da Vinci code which is incredible.

Kevin: Sleeping late and being with nature. Breakfast and Coffee!

Besides the Backstreet Boys, what do you guys plan to do? You each have discovered things about yourself, so what have you learned from taking the break about yourselves?

Nick: I've been with the group for 13 years now. I think individually, I don't really know what I want to do, I did the solo stuff and that was kind of cool. Anything to do with music or entertaining would be good.

AJ: I definitely want to continue doing something with this business – maybe taking some time off and get a solo record. Brian's solo record is coming out in May, his is being fixed right now. You know, people all know us as members of the group but no one really knows us as individuals. Anything that has to do with this business, I can't not work in this business or I'll go crazy. We're all blessed with what we do.

Howie: I'll probably be doing the same thing and my charity with my sister with our foundation.

A lot of your personalities have been “fixed”, how would you now introduce yourselves to the fans – the younger ones? Who are the Backstreet Boys now?

Brian: Their older siblings can help us out! Also, now even their parents!

Kevin: Well, just by continuing to be who we are and make music.

After the tour, Brian will be doing his Gospel album and the big question is whether or not the Backstreet boys are going to be back?

Boys: Oh yeah.

Kevin: We're going to be doing the Pro-bowl on February 12th in Hawaii. Basically we won't be back immediately but we will be back. We're going to sit down as a group and figure out what each of us wants to do. Whatever that is. There will be another Backstreet Boys—


You are the only re-entering boyband of the music scene right now – do you think this is a challenge? How do you feel about it?

Kevin: We've been together for 13 years in an industry that chews people up and spits them out.

Was there ever a time that you felt that the Backstreet Boys was going to really break up?

Kevin: Sure! We have bad days just like anyone.

Brian: After all these years together we've had these crazy, crazy times together where we've driven each other up the wall. There have been individual times when we've gotten on each others nerves, but I think this accounts to the last questions because we've also got this back up – where girls have been 12 and 22. And there were moments when we just go AAAARRGH at each other. But now we're men and I guess we've found this newfound respect for one another – Alright!

Who do you think is the coolest or your most favorite superhero or cartoon character?

AJ: My favorite superhero would probably be… Spiderman. I just think he's cool cause he can pretty much do anything pretty much superstrong. He's just an average kid but it's cool.

Howie: Speedy Gonzales.

Nick: Two, one was Banana man… anyone know who Banana man was? He was this kid who would screw up. I also like Count Duckula. Duckula was the one where his castle disappears

Brian: and he had fake teeth!

Nick: yeah. I like them cause they're more abstract superheroes since they mess up all the time.

Kevin: Marvin the Martian. *does imitation: I will shoot you with my detonator!* Anyone that can fly I guess…

Brian: Donald duck, I've always love Donald. Nowadays though I've been hanging around with my kid and it's all Sesame Street, so I guess Elmo? *does imitation: La la la* But for my favorite superhero, I've always liked Batman with all the cars and all the gadgets.

What's your new year's resolution?

Kevin: My new years resolution to get my license to fly planes and work on my production company.

Nick: I also have a production company and want to do something with a band I've been working with.

AJ: I also really want to get into photography, clothing line, jewelry line – and this may seem farfetched but for me it's not, I want to someday qualify for the PGA tour and change golf because I'll be the only guy up there with all the tattoos and piercings!

Brian: You'll have to wear long sleeves cause they won't let you!

AJ: That's why I'm changing it!

Brian: As for me, outside of music I have all different kinds of interests like antiques, decorating furniture business, then I produced the soundtrack for my wife's movie “Olive Juice” and someday be in the PGA Senior tour. And still write music and work day in and day out to be a better person and father. My life is about my son, so yeah…

Howie: I was aspiring to be an actor… 13 years of the group, we've seen so much and been through so much and hopefully be able to take all that and do something with it.



Аня, обновления на сайте понравились. Особенно статейка про романтика Ди и дополнения к его фразочкам. Хов жжот, блин. Фразы, я так понимаю, переводить не нужно. Оригинальная версия у тя и так есть. Ведь так?
А переводик (со своими комментариями) я те по мылу отправлю. Жди!

Отредактировано helly k (2006-03-04 15:11:38)



Хелль, биографию вообще не трогай, я ее давно перевела. :) пока чтоп ереводи это интервью, ине кажется оно не очень сложное, думаю, ты быстро управишься :)



Аня, в начале следующей недели жди перевод чата с Ховом. Думаю, всем будет интересно почитать все на родном языке. И на сайте заодно можно выложить.



и на общем сайте я дам ссылку на ховку



Окей, хелль. Я тогда еще и биографию обновлю :)


Вы здесь » The Russian Fan Club of the Backstreet boys WE STILL... » Howie Dorough » Сайт Хауи